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This comprehensive guide details the steps to enhance Apache Airflow's default AWS connections backend by integrating a custom backend. This advanced setup allows Airflow to seamlessly access secrets not only within its AWS account but also across multiple AWS accounts, utilizing AWS Secrets Manager. The integration enhances security and flexibility, enabling centralized secret management across diverse cloud environments.


Apache Airflow's default configuration utilizes the `airflow.secrets base class for managing secrets, such as database credentials and API keys.

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SecretsManagerBackend Flow

Our approach extends this functionality with a custom backend, specifically designed to retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager across different AWS accounts and regions. This solution facilitates secure and efficient secret management for complex cloud architectures.

SecretsManagerBackend class

In essence, we enhance the SecretsManagerBackend to enable cross-account and cross-region secrets access, thereby providing a more versatile and secure secrets management strategy.

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SharedSecretsManagerBackend Flow