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This guide explains how to configure, define, and execute end-to-end tests for dbt models using pytest-dbt-duckdb.

  • Define test scenarios in YAML
  • Configure dbt with profiles.yml
  • Run tests locally using DuckDB
  • Integrate tests seamlessly into CI/CD pipelines

️ Project Configuration


Step 1: Install package

Install the package using pip:

pip install pytest-dbt-duckdb

Step 2: Create profiles.yml

Configure dbt to use DuckDB as the testing engine by adding this to your profiles.yml file:

  target: duckdb
      type: duckdb
      path: "{{ env_var('DBT_DUCKDB_PATH') }}"
      database: "{{ env_var('DBT_DUCKDB_DATABASE') }}"
      schema: "dbt_pytest_gummy"

Step 3: Define Environment Variables

In order for dbt to work correctly, set the required environment variables in pytest.ini:

minversion = "7.0"
addopts = "-p no:warnings"
testpaths = ["tests"]
env = [
    "DBT_RAW_DATABASE = pyduck",
    "DBT_DATABASE_NAME = pyduck",
    "DBT_PROFILE = pytest"

Writing a Test Scenario

Image title

Structure of a YAML Test

Each test follows this structure:

  • id: test unique identifier.
  • given: Input datasets (CSV/JSON files) to load.
  • seed: dbt seeds to be executed.
  • build: dbt models to be executed.
  • then: Expected outputs after transformation.

Test Case Example

  - id: Validate full project
      - schema: netflix
        table: shows
        path: 'e2e/given/netflix_titles.csv'
    seed: seed_show_ratings
    build: '+int_show+'
      - schema: 'dbt_pytest_gummy'
        table: 'fct_director'
        path: 'e2e/then/fct_director.csv'
      - schema: 'dbt_pytest_gummy'
        table: 'fct_cast'
        path: 'e2e/then/fct_cast.csv'

Running the Tests
import pytest
from pytest_dbt_duckdb.plugin import DuckFixture, TestFixture, load_yaml_tests

yaml_data = list(load_yaml_tests("tests/data"))

@pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture", yaml_data, ids=[ for x in yaml_data])
def test_dbt_scenarios(fixture: TestFixture, duckdb_fixture: DuckFixture):

️ Hard Requirement: Defining dbt Data Types

Mandatory: Define Column Data Types

For pytest-dbt-duckdb to function correctly, all models in the given and then sections must have explicitly defined dbt column data types.

Why is this Required?

Since the framework recreates models inside DuckDB, it needs accurate data type definitions to:

  • Ensure proper table creation in DuckDB
  • Prevent type mismatches between expected vs. actual results
  • Avoid errors when populating test data

How to Define Column Types in dbt Ensure that every model in given and then is properly defined in your dbt project under schema.yml:

version: 2
  - name: stg_show_rating
    description: Map file with Rating System age & audiences
      - name: rating_id
        description: Unique Rating Identifier
        data_type: text
          - not_null
          - unique
      - name: rating_name
        description: Readable Rating name
        data_type: text
      - name: only_adults
        description: Flag to indicate if the show aims to be watched by only adults
        data_type: boolean
      - name: min_age
        description: Suitable for people over this age
        data_type: integer
          - dbt_utils.accepted_range:
              min_value: 2
              max_value: 18
              inclusive: true

What Happens if You Skip This?

  • If column types are not defined, the framework cannot recreate and populate the test models inside DuckDB.
  • This will result in test failures due to schema mismatches and incorrectly inferred types.

Solution: Always define your dbt column types properly to ensure reliable testing.

Running with Custom DuckDB Functions

Extending DuckDB with Custom Functions

If you need to extend the DuckDB engine with additional functionality, you can define custom functions:
from pytest_dbt_duckdb.connector import DuckFunction, ExtraFunctions

extra_functions = ExtraFunctions(
        DuckFunction(name="tokenize", function=tokenize, parameters=[str], return_type=list[str]),
        DuckFunction(name="edit_distance", function=edit_distance, parameters=[str, str, int], return_type=int),

Pass extra_functions to execute_dbt when running tests.

Explore Testing Examples

Want to see pytest-dbt-duckdb in action? Check out our real test scenarios in the GitHub repository: GitHub Repository - Testing Examples

These examples include:

  • Predefined YAML test cases
  • Sample dbt projects
  • Fully configured pytest setup

Use them as a starting point for writing your own end-to-end dbt model tests!


  • Define input data (given), models to build (build), and expected outputs (then).
  • Configure dbt using profiles.yml and environment variables.
  • Run tests locally with DuckDB for fast execution.
  • Integrate tests with CI/CD pipelines to prevent regressions.
  • Extend with custom DuckDB functions for advanced testing.